Our half-day and full-day customizable seminars (with links to their descriptions) are
- Soft Skills: The Keys to Success in Management, Marathons, and Moviemaking
- The Psychology, Art, and Science of Gathering Business Requirements
- Managing Difficult Projects and People
- The Fundamentals of Accounting and Business-Related Cycles (This written about in PMI Today.)
- Running to Leadership: Individual and Team Building (Based on Anthony's latest book, Running to Leadership: What Finishing 100+ Marathons On All Seven Continents Teaches Us About Success.)
- Establishing and Maintaining a Project Management Office (PMO)
- Introduction to Project Management

Seminar Evaluation Comments
- "Instructor gave real world examples and possible solutions. I’m taking back solutions I can use right away."
- "Held my attention for seven hours. Good job! Great humor."
- "The discussion around flanking was the most helpful immediate take away."
- "Liked ideas on how to educate executives and project team members about project management. Very innovative."
- "Very useful material presented in an organized manner."
- "Very relevant. Good with real-world solutions."
- "Extensive subject matter was very beneficial. Great presentation materials to drive home topics."
- "Enjoyed discussions about narcissism and dealing with victims."
- "Anthony is obviously very experienced and provided many excellent examples for the points the seminar makes."
- "This could easily be a two day seminar."
- "The topics were mostly relevant to the work I do today.I liked the ideas to keep the constraints balanced and how to get to know the team and get everyone engaged."