
Anthony Reed was asked to write From the Road Race to the Rat Race: Essays from a Black Executive Marathoner based on his lectures at various universities and keynote speaking engagements at technology, leadership, project management, human resources, and accounting conferences. He had the ability to apply grit during his unusual and trailblazing experiences as a student, Fortune 500 corporate executive, nonprofit organizer, social activist, and history making marathon runner. He clearly isn’t a “one trick pony.” He shows how he consistently moved out of his comfort zone and attacked when he was expected to fail or quit in academia, sports, and work.

He was suspended from college for poor grades. Yet, he earned two undergraduate (management and mathematics) and two graduate degrees (management and accounting) and became an adjunct professor. He even failed undergraduate accounting classes, but became a member of the National Accounting Honor Society as a graduate student.

When the classmates in his graduate advance accounting course refused to include him their study groups, instead of dropping the class or failing the exam, he struck back and forced all of them to fail the exam.

He finished 142 out of 143 at his first high school cross country meet. Yet, he became a certified distance running coach, completed over a hundred 26.2-mile marathons, won endurance trophies, and became the first Black person in the world to complete marathons on all seven continents, including Antarctica. He’s one of about fifty people in the world who completed the “marathon hat trick.” This consists of (1) finishing at least one hundred marathons and a marathon (2) in all fifty states and (3) seven continents.

When his bicycle had a major malfunction during a race, instead of slowing down or quitting, he attacked, while going uphill, and medaled in the race. His mantra is “Hills build character.”

He worked on leading edge technology projects ranging from relational databases, AI, GPS, law enforcement, and financial applications. He transistioned from being highly technical to exceling in management and executive positions. He even became the CEO of a start up distance running marketing firm. 

When executive recruiters wouldn’t believe that he had “excellent communication skills” and managed multi-million dollar international projects, he earned professional certifications in accounting (CPA), project management (PMP), supply chain management, and systems analysis (Oracle). He also wrote five books and had over fifty technical and leadership articles published in professional journals and newspapers, as well as speaking at conferences throughout the US, Canada, Brazil, and Europe.

These types of contrasting situations, where he initially failed and later thrived, continued throughout his life. He approached life like running marathons. The book’s topics range from having breakfast with President Gerald Ford and private meeting with the US Department of Energy Secretary Hazel O’Leary to negotiating over $40 million of severance packages and working to build low income housing in upper class neighborhoods.

Here’s what publications have previously written about him.

Runner’s World magazine, “Anthony Reed hasn’t stopped running since. He ran while earning his MBA, master’s of accounting, and CPA certification. And he kept going while working as an Information Technology Director at Texas Instruments, heading up his own consulting business, and teaching college accounting courses.”

The University of Texas at Dallas’ Mercury newspaper, “Reed manages the risks of business and sport with determination and a commitment to life long learning. Risk management is a concept Reed applies to very different areas of his life. He said the process is similar for a marathoner and businessperson."

National Black MBA magazine, “Through the years, Reed has found that many lessons learned along the race course don’t differ much from corporate America’s hills and valleys.”

The Dallas Morning News, “Running has transformed Anthony Reed’s life. He simply set goals and set about accomplishing them.”

From the Road Race to the Rat Race: Essays from a Black Executive Marathoner is also available at in eBook formats (epub, mobi, pdf, lrf, pdb, txt, and html) at Smashwords.

Price: $9.95 (eBook)
Cenmar Publications
First Edition: November, 2020
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pages: 158
ISBN: 978-1-7355512-0-3 (Paperback) / 978-1-7355512-1-0 (eBook)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2020914906

Running to Leadership: What Finishing 100+ Marathons on All Seven Continents Teaches Us About Success describes how to a tramsformative executive with a Type T personality retained employees without monetary rewards while building successful business leaders. Preparing for and completing a marathon is the perfect backdrop for examining the problems and challenges faced by today’s business leaders. They must incorporate change, manage risk, and motivate people to go up hill at a time when they want to quit. All of this must be achieved in a stressful, challenging business environment. However, you quickly learn that hills build character. The manager must weigh the advantages of a short term sprint with finishing in the long run. You must become a marathoner, who successfully uses their knowledge to mentally and physically push out of their comfort zones towards new limits. Successful endurance athletes and business managers exhibit the same characteristics to thrive. They manage change by taking calculated risks and gradually expanding their comfort zones.

Some of the book's sections include

  • When in Doubt…Run!!!
  • The Four I's in TEAM
  • Thinking Outside the Sox
  • When in Doubt…Stop
  • Twenty Miles is Half of 26.2 Miles
  • Relaxing and Uphill Battles
  • Killer Rocks
  • Crossing the Road
  • Facing FEARS During the Great Wall Marathon
  • Leading From Behind
  • A Little Change Adds Up
  • Crabs & Geese
  • Cheetahs on the Safricom Lewa Marathon Course
  • Skimping on Support and Talent
  • Leading Without a Map
  • Dead Bodies & Spider Love
  • Watch Your Step
  • Leaf, Rock, Ankle

Media comments about Anthony Reed.

Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, "Reed embodies the type of enthusiasm for life and the zest for a good run that might push Lance Armstrong into cycling another 100 miles for the fear of looking lazy."

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "Reed fits the profile—some would say stereotype—of a distance runner. He's an over achiever at work and play. He has earned four degrees, is a CPA, and a certified Project Management Professional."

Price: $9.95 (eBook)
Cenmar Publications
Second Edition: January, 2018
First Edition: March, 2011
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pages: 198
ISBN-13: 9781452421674 (eBook)

The SMART (Systems, Management, Accounting, and Related Technologies) Degree is a career planning guide for college students. It focuses on the reality of today's job market and your career. It covers the material, that's not mentioned in college classes, such as office politics, back stabbers, and unethical co-workers. This is based on a series of ComputerWorld articles written by the author.

Price: $2.95 (eBook)
Cenmar Publications
Third Edition: March, 2011
Second Edition: Feburary, 2009
First Edition: May, 1986
​​​​​​​Pages: 37

ISBN-13: 9781452480541 (eBook)